ISO 9001 Certificate

Defines the requirements of an organisation's quality management system

What are the expected results of an ISO 9001 or ISO 14001 certification?

IAF has drawn up two popularisation documents, with the aim of encouraging the dissemination of the correct meaning of management system certification (ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 in particular), which becomes an element for promoting the reliability of the corresponding certificates.
All interested parties are therefore invited to read them and disseminate them through their own communication channels.

Results of ISO 9001 certifications issued under accreditation

The International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) would like to briefly present the expected results of a certification under accreditation according to ISO 9001.

The aim is to promote a common understanding of the entire conformity assessment chain in order to achieve these results and to reinforce the value and importance of accredited certification.

ISO 9001 certification is used in both the private and public sectors to increase confidence in the products and services provided by companies, between business partners in business-to-business relations, in the choice of suppliers in supply chains and in the selection of tenderers.


What ISO 9001 certification under accreditation means

In order to obtain compliant products, the accredited certification process must provide confidence that the organisation has a quality management system that complies with the applicable requirements of ISO 9001.

In particular, ISO 9001 certification is expected to demonstrate that the organisation
- has a quality management system in place that is adequate for its products and processes and appropriate for the purpose of accreditation.
- analyses and understands customer needs and expectations as well as statutory and regulatory requirements for its products.
- ensures that product characteristics have been defined to meet customer and statutory and regulatory requirements.
- has determined and is managing the processes necessary to finalise the expected results (compliant products and increased customer satisfaction).
- ensured the availability of the necessary resources to support the activities and monitoring of these processes.
- monitors and controls the defined product characteristics.
- works to prevent non-conformities and has improvement processes in place to:

1. resolve any non-conformities that arise (including product non-conformities that are identified after delivery);
2. analyse the causes of non-conformities and carry out corrective actions to prevent their recurrence;
3. handle complaints from customers.
- has carried out an effective internal audit and management review process.
- is continuously monitoring, measuring and improving the effectiveness of its quality management system.

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